buttons and stuff
Now music!
guestbook at bottom, I'd love for you to sign!
1/5/24 cant update my site, too busy looking at other sites. Also, if you like ttrpgs, I'd reccomend Ryuutama and Spirit of the Century. (Ryuutama, this cosy cute little game, https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/151366/Ryuutama--Natural-Fantasy-Roleplay?filters=0_2140_100_0_0),( and Spirit of the Century, this is a awesome 20s pulp fiction game. its my fav https://evilhat.itch.io/spirit-of-the-century)
Ok, so you're really gonna have to hear me out here, but trust me if it's the one time you ever do! Watch Beastars.
I'm thinking of reorganizing Betise, because I feel like this home page looks the best but is also kind of boring, only having a word and a sparingly updated blog. I might try making a menu? that or just having everything here, not sure.
Found out that the animators survival guide ks a pdf kn the internet archive. Also, I found this book about a Marine from Texas during WW1. His name was Jackson. Its good, I swear, i just type dry when I'm tired.
I practice HEMA, specifically British military saber. Something I've noticed between that and longsword is that, while (Meyer said this, I think?) in longsword, your gaurd is the peak of your movement, and you transition between them, this isn't true for saber. You can only stab with *certain* gaurds, and most of them allow you to mainly be good at defense and offense, but isn't the peak of your movement.
The bain of voice acting is, time. I've been casted for things in like march, but it's not even publicly announced yet. one only has an episode voiced, which, is really early.
decided to start drafting a story ive had in my head for a while. Its about a cop in 1927.
Dude i love theatre. I get to be an idiot in a dumb costume for a grade.
yall should try Ryuutama. its like a cozy mix of DnD and the Oregon trail. Not necessarily cozy.
9/22/24 im still around, but school is killing me and there is nothing to do.
9/16/24 1,000 BOTTLES?!
9/8/24 Hi y'all. I remembered that libraries exist, but I owe a book from when I was 7 years old so I have to pay them back soon. By the way, unless you're much wealthier than I am, you should go visit a library. It's nice. Also if you're as strange a person as I am, sewing is a nice thing to learn to do. Don't start out trying to make clothes, make a pillow or a coin purse or something. I'm gonna (try) to make a gambeson soon. Also add a list of cool websites soon too. Actually like now even though it's 11:56pm on a sunday and I've got work to do.
8/31/24 Im not sure if anyone looks at this site (except for one follower, meara, who has a pretty cool site) but sorry anyways for not updating. I'm gonna get some reliable sources for something historical im doing and otherwise just update this more. Ive been caught up with school and a unending list of late work and homework due to being sick. Watch out for covid y'all, it's out and about again.
8/22/24 I got a new guitar string so I can finally play again and my fingers hurt. Anyways, I've been learning to program in Godot because I can actually run it on my potato PC and I've been wanting to learn how to program better anyways. I've also nearly finished with the lines for a "Ranger Sarso Jr.". It's hard to remember what his voice is, this is my first large project after all. It should be close to done soon.
Y'all learn an instrument. It's not as hard as you'd think. You don't have to pour hours a day into it, but instruments are nice to be able to play and feel good to use. Violin or guitar or something, trust me.
This is a kinda niche game, but "War of Rights is a pretty good game. It's a multiplayer FPS about the civil war. There's usually only one active server but I think you can forgive that when you consider that the server size is 350 people.
August 4th, '24 Me and some family members went to another state, and are getting back 2 days before we return to school/work. Nice change of scenery, though. it's 12:07 AM and i'm trying to look like im not just waiting for the time to pass so I'll be tired. I'm not even too sure where I'll sleep tonight. I'm adding a specific area for gifs tommorow, if I can find the time & remember to.July 28, '24, 1:16pm I havent cleared the site because i havent updated it nearly as much as i should. I've got two things im going to add to both history & music though. 9:06pm July 23rd, '24 Im back on Mobile bc im visiting some family. I got 2 more VA roles and we're about to start recording for one of them. I cut my wrist some out with my friends. I'm gonna try to start writing some actually interesting things later tonight, but i thought i should at least update this.
8:30pm I just made a massive update to the site, adding a buncha buttons & a guestbook. I don't have much to say. Remember that keeping languages, accents, and dialects alive is a great thing to do. I'm *Attempting* to learn Irish, which has a really cool pronounciation system.
made on, and for, mobile